Friday, October 22, 2010

CRe@T1v3 Mind5eT

People always talk about creativity, whether or not they have it inside their minds and thoughts. The general public always associate creativity with artists like painters, musicians, composers, filmmakers and so on. Truth be told, creativity does exist in each and every one of us. It sounds cliched, but somehow it's true. It is just the matter of opening up your mind to the endless possibilities of creation and innovation. First, let's define creativity.Oxford Dictionary defines it as the use of imagination and or original ideas to create something or in short, invent. What about the views of some famous figures?

Albert Einstein saw creativity being more important than knowledge. So what does this mean? That the ability to create something different and new is more significant than the common facts?
Hayao Miyazaki, the great animator from Japan who works with Studio Ghibli to create movies such as the critically-acclaimed Spirited Away, said that creativity cannot be bought with money. This is true in the case of our modern world where most films and movies now have degrade in creativity and instead relies on the box-office numbers and blockbuster ranking to achieve 'success'.
This is the short article he writes about it: Money Can't Buy Creativity

To me, creativity is the sort of thinking where few people or none actually possess. Thinking that allows one to create something new and different or find creative ways to old problems.

Here's an ad on toothpaste. The ad indicates that the toothpaste has the ability to whiten teeth. The person that came up with this advertisement certainly knows how to play with the place and location of the ad to indicate the specialty of the toothpaste.

Or how about this T-shirt for tourists? It certainly is helpful for those foreigners that can't speak the country's language they are visiting. All they have to do is point at a sign and the helpful and friendly citizens can certainly show the way.

Whatever the case, creativity is not something that can be found easily. First, people must think outside of the box. What is the box? The less I elaborate on that, the better. Let's just say the box is the limited, everyday thinking that close you up and doesn't allow you to explore many solutions and outcomes because of our need to fully grasp on logic. Can creativity and logic work together? Of course. But creativity must come first. And when an idea has been created, then logic can come into play.


  1. I love that shirt! Maybe I should buy one.
    It's a great entry fina~ :D

  2. Haha, thanks Dib! I think we should make one ourselves. XD
